Saturday, February 04, 2006


Funny how a word can enter into your mind and you spend the entire day thinking about. That was me today. Trust. Before I head out early this morning…..I might add WAY to early for a weekend, but coffee with friends was worth rolling out of bed for I suppose :). Anyway, upon reading my email I found my mother had sent me another code word…todays word, TRUST. Now I should mention I now have accrued 300K in points, of which I have absolutely no idea what I’m gonna do with, but maybe one day Ill figure it out or get tickets to Disneyland again or something.

So today I pondered the word TRUST. Funny how something can just hang in the back of your mind. Do I trust to easily? Can you trust to easily?

Trust occurs when you reveal yourself to someone. Or at least that’s the way I look at it. And it is a kinda whirl effect, the more you reveal the more you trust the more you trust the more you reveal. So if you are a person who sees the good in just about everyone will you automatically trust easier? If you are more cynical will the odds decrease in your ability to trust?

I don’t know ….I know I’ve had bad experiences in the past with trusting some who I shouldn’t have. But does that make it hard for me to trust? I don’t think so, well at least Im not sure. Do I think I’m being trusting and not really trusting at all? Recently I don’t think I trusted enough… or as much as I should have. I suppose some things we learn the hard way ……..or maybe even to late. (sigh)

Ever wish you had a redo button??...........if you felt you messed up in life and could hit a button say once a year to 'redo' what you screwed up saying or doin or not saying or not doing?..........


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