Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Car Troubles I really asking too much?

Im cranky. Yes that sums me up at the moment. I've had my 'fun' car in at the dealers for the past two days. Why? Hmm, good question!

On Monday, I was driving around doing a few errands, what exactly now I don't remember, but while out the air bag light popped on. Hmm, I've never had that happen I I quickly pulled over and called Dennis. A vision of one of his calls while he was a cop popped into my mind of what happens when an air bag inflates and I really didn't want to have that happen. So I called him and he reasurred me it wasn't going to pop open on me. OK, so I felt better, but the light was still on. That kind of thing, bugs me :P I know surprising is'nt it! So while I was driving it popped off and then back on and off again, that was it I called up the dealership and made an appointment to bring it in on Tuesday. I had asked to bring it in at 10 am but he made this word for word comment...."If you would like to have it done tomorrow you need to get it in earlier" My response, is about 8:15 going to work, I need to drop my girls off at school first? His reply, yes, that will be fine. Great I said. So Tuesday morning rolls around, I drive the car in ( of course the light isn't on usual luck) and talk to them about a couple other insignificant issues to check out. The day rolls on after a long ride home from their shuttle service, honestly if they were smart they wouldn't drive you home in a stinkin mini van, but something like a JEEP or something FUN! Dennis had called to see what they came up with around his lunch break, I had no news and was a bit worried how much this was going to cost, so hadn't called yet. That conversation sat on my thoughts, until I was driving to pick up the girls from school and still hadn't heard from them. So I made a call, I was put on hold for TOO long and then asked if Randy, my service rider, could call me back. Fine I said. About 15 to 20 minutes later he returns my call. He of course isn't prepared I get put back on hold for another 10 minutes....on my cell phone mind you. He gets back on the phone and states, well it isn't going to be done today,would you like a rental? OK does anyone anyone understand why this just immediately got under my skin? I asked him, why not? He said well they haven't even looked at the car yet. OK, now, (ok ok I admit I have no patience for this kind of thing), I ask him why not? He said well they have been swamped and just havent got to it. I promptly remind him of the conversation I had with him yesterday. He says yes but they got swamped. I ask, why wasn't I informed then when I dropped it off? He said because they have no idea, they come in as oil changes and then things get found out and added on. OK, now Im just mad. So I let him know, that I don't see where the customer service is in me having to call HIM and ask whats going on. No apology is given, just how about a rental. I want MY car back! Grrrr so, Im trying to keep my cool, not blow things up, but at the same time, darn it....I do believe in customer service, and IM NOT GETTING ANY! So round and round we go, I bring it down to him saying, you know had you simply apologized, I wouldn't have been upset, but to think nothing of my time, my imposition, that isn't what a dealership of this type (and this is a HUGE dealership) is known for, and I honestly DONT care how busy it is, there is no excuse for not taking care of your customers. See I've been a business owner, actually a couple of times, I know how important customer service is. I also know how easily a customer can be reassured by simply saying, Im sorry mam, I screwed up. SO I ask this virtual world, am I asking to much for a simple phrase, Im sorry? Is it too much to hope for?

I know I know, its after 4:30 they were suppose to be picking me up at 4:30 to bring me back to the service shop......ho hum, I think I already know, I am asking too much. And this was after I had to call today to see what was up and they didn't know because they had lost my paperwork.......grr

Oh and the diagnosis? A bad seat belt buckle.....the cost of repair? $245...the cost of the part $55. Arrrrrgh!


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