Tuesday, August 22, 2006

My Prayer

Today while driving back from the gym I was driving through downtown Vista struggling to keep myself away from Starbucks. Its a hard battle after being at the gym and feeling fit to stay away until the harsh realization that all the calories you just burned would easily be put back in with one simple Grande White Mocha, and Im sorry the non fat version just does not do the drink justice (anyone notice that Blogger will not allow you to put in apostrophes anymore?--thats my excuse anyway and Im sticking to it! :P) Ok back to my story.....so Im driving through town and had self control and did not pull over. I sat at a light and an old couple pulled up behind me in a Jeep, why did I notice this you ask? Simply because both were leaning over looking at my behind! OK well the cars rear! :P Anyway, so he starts reading it and Im a pretty good reader of lips.....he lips "Honk if one of the kids fly out" (why those quote marks worked and apostrophes dont I dont understand...Im sorry back on track---stick to the subject Jenice, sheez!) That statement Honk if one of the kids fly out is the license plate holder I purchased for my convertible.........its just too darn funny. So I see him read it to his wife (remember they are both older.....like almost too old to be driving old) he starts to laugh, she sits stone faced. Hmmm.....Im happy, I made one person smile today that I came across and it wasnt difficult to do so. My prayer however is this, Lord dont allow me to ever become a woman who cannot enjoy the simple pleasures of life. I want to laugh and smile and bring joy to those around me until they tuck me in my grave (or put my ashes into a pot--either or) because lifes just to darn short to not enjoy it!

So in addition to making that one of my prayers for my lifetime, its a new ambition of mine to put a smile on someone new's face each day I venture out of my home.........just think about how much more pleasant the world would be if we all did that!


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