Monday, August 21, 2006

Tidbits of Peachism

What 38 years has taught me (the once little pic tailed little girl)...........

  • The best way to keep a smile on your face is to find something to laugh about, the best way to keep someone else smiling is to be able to laugh together.
  • We don't always know what's best for us, but God's plan for our lives nothing can beat.
  • When life gets rough, sometimes it gets rougher. But hold on, the greatness is just around the corner!
  • Never stop believing in happy endings.
  • If all you ever see is the glass half empty you will end up never having a full cup.
  • Having a child fall asleep in your arms is something each of us must experience at least once in our lives.
  • It's not morning until I've had a cup of coffee!
  • Smile and say something nice to someone you don't know, encouragment can make people have a much better day.
  • The more things I have to get done, the more I get done quicker.
  • Being right isn't as important as being loving.
  • Some of the best activities in life require you get a little sweaty :)
  • Its much more work to hate then it is to love.
  • When you stop looking for what it is you desire, it finds you when you least expect it.
  • Living life is more important then making a living.
  • Sometimes it takes God flooding your life 3 times to learn what he wants you to learn.
  • Cherish each moment you have with friends and family, you never know when that will be the last time you have to do just that.
  • If all else fails, just love and be loving.
  • The less you own the less you have to repair.
  • Keep your gaze upword, not inword.
  • Never stop trying, and better stated NEVER quit!
  • Grrr at the frustrations of life, don't let them get you down.
  • Patience is a lesson hard to learn.
  • There is no other feeling in the world then being in love.
I've struggled all month with my birthday looming over me. Cried many tears over it, but then time and time again I was reminded, that this isn't me getting older, just a day closer to the day I stand with Him. How can I for one instant not want to get older and get closer to that moment. As Chris said in church this weekend, I have a perfect body! We all do, those of us who believe in Jesus, we have a perfect body, flawless, beautiful, but not the bubbles we have here on Earth, but the ones we will be granted for all of thats excuse enough for me to go and enjoy some CAKE! :)

        I don't know about tomorrow,
        I just live from day to day.
        I don't borrow from it's sunshine,
        For it's skies may turn to gray.
        I don't worry o'er the future,
        For I know what Jesus said,
        And today I'll walk beside Him,
        For He knows what is ahead.
            Many things about tomorrow,
            I don't seem to understand;
            But I know Who holds tomorrow,
            And I know Who holds my hand.

        Ev'ry step is getting brighter,
        As the golden stairs I climb;
        Ev'ry burden's getting lighter;
        Ev'ry cloud is silver lined.
        There the sun is always shining,
        There no tear will dim the eyes,
        At the ending of the rainbow,
        Where the mountains touch the sky.

            Many things about tomorrow,
            I don't seem to understand;
            But I know Who holds tomorrow,
            And I know Who holds my hand.

        I don't know about tomorrow,
        It may bring me poverty;
        But the One Who feeds the sparrow,
        Is the One Who stands by me.
        And the path that be my portion,
        May be through the flame or flood,
        But His presence goes before me,
        And I'm covered with His blood.

            Many things about tomorrow,
            I don't seem to understand;
            But I know Who holds tomorrow,
            And I know Who holds my hand.
words and music by Ira Stanphill


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!


10:48 AM  
Blogger Peach said...

Hey stranger! :) Thanks bunches!

4:22 PM  

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