Thursday, June 29, 2006

My Daddy

I have been thinking about my dad a lot lately. It shouldn't be all that surprising, my dad or daddy has always been a hero in my mind. Very recently my dad suffered a small stroke. I haven't been processing that very well. I suppose I'm too much like my dad in some ways and hold things in and can't process it all right away.

The other night I was thinking about the attributes of a good dad. I sumed it up in three ways. I decided the best way to look at it is to ask yourself: Is your dad your father, your dad or your daddy? Now I realize for a man to call his dad daddy, it isn't quite the same. But for a girl it never changes. My dad is a daddy. I know just a few men in my life that can hold the title of daddy. Im sure its no surprise to anyone who knows me that I wouldn't bestow that title on the father of my children. A all that the word feels. Someone you can feel like you can jump into the lap of and share your hurts, dreams and wishes with. Now granted at almost 38, I am a bit big to jump into my dad's lap, and in fact I think I would probably scare the heck out of him if I did. But my dad is always willing to listen. A daddy would do anything for his children. A daddy would catch the moon for them even. A daddy is a hard find, one you shouldn't ever take for granted!

Some abstract things about my dad (daddy)
  • My dad built his own airplane when I was 5 years old
  • He built his first engine around the age of 5
  • He built his own jeep from junk yard finds when I was about 10
  • My dad can repair just about anything that breaks
  • My dad (and a friend) almost created a new line of VW conversion bugs when I was around 12 called the LaRon a bug
  • When my parents found out I had been smoking (cloves) My dad sat at the kitchen table and tried it out to see what my interest was in it........I never smoked after that
  • My dad had a short temper as a child.......he has patience to spare now
  • My dad has been woken up by his eldest daughter (me) at 2 am in the morning and drove 40 minutes because my water main broke and I couldn't turn the main off.
  • My dad has spent hours helping me fix my home in so many ways its impossible to list
  • My dad would frustrate me to no end when I was a teenager and had to ask him to help me with Algebra (he would make me do more probablems just to learn it)
  • My dad use to be an Engineer
  • My dad is retired (but he works more now then when he had to "go to work"helping me, my sister and my grandmother)
  • My dad has always shown how much he loves my mother no matter who was around
  • My dad dated my mom's twin before he dated her
  • My dads heart broke when my ex walked out on us, my dad lost a best friend too
  • My dad makes a wonderful grandpa and an awesome daddy!


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