Friday, September 01, 2006

Where did those Dog days of summer go?

Where did those Dog Days of summer go? And who the heck came up with that phrase? Grrr, now Im going to have to go and look into that! Summers over! Well kinda sorta. Dennis is coming out this weekend so we will fit some time in at the beach, but those weekdays at the beach are OVER!

Getting the kids all back into the run of things, ok ok honestly getting ME back into the swing of things is hard. Yes Im going to let me! Having to wake up at 6:30 am again....arrrgh my purse emptied for all it has (money wise...the kids aways leave the bills there :P), money for field trips, school or class shirts, Andrews laptop and ipod insurance.....go figure they give the kids toys and we have to pay the insurance :P, gala baskets (don't ask what that is :P) and well all the fun things the kids NEED to have for school. Backpacks, pencils, erasers (not just any kind you ones), notebooks, folders, jeans, shirts, belts, arrrrgh the list it goes on and on. I just was starting to think I almost had it finished and today I get a letter from the High School for all the things Andrew will need. At least with why I only have one ?....arrgh, they don't care so much about the clothing, and such as the girls do. He's quite happy with his Vans, Levis and tee shirts. Although the backpack for his laptop and gear to all fit was a pricey $89 from ebags. I can't see getting a laptop and throwing it into a backpack like a book.....well I could see it, thats why the pricey investment. Anyway.....if you aren't a parent ....yet.....the months of August and September, well just plan on being BROKE! :) Piano starts back up ( and I have to admit here I was going to pull the kids this year from piano not seeing how I could continue to pay for it. Annette she's blessing me and I will be getting 3 girls lessons for the price of 2 or almost under 2. Plus Annette herself will be teaching Ashley....I am anxious to see how much she will really improve with the owner teaching her.) Awanas starts back up. Again blessed here by changing churches and paying half of what I did last year! That was two of the ways God really blessed me last week all of this came about on that Wednesday. Amazing huh!

The thing is while Im complaining here, I am doing it more for fun, I love my kids and want them to have the absolute best life they can. No I don't want to buy their happiness, but at the same time...I don't ever complain (well too much) about having to get things for them. Thats what being a parent (single parent) is all about :)


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