Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Deadlines, Insanity, Pressure, Stress. . . Breathe!

This week has hit, full force and then some. Working the hours I have has been rather sweet, everything falling into place, nothing seemed stressed until today. The owner came over to ask me if I could work on a project, or I should say another project, and he needed it by tomorrow at 1pm. No biggy, I said, sure Ill take it home and work on it. The kids schedules are crazy, the performance is this weekend, and sure Ill take on another deadline! :)

I like my new 'job'. Working on spreadsheets as the 'assistant buyer' as I was given the title of today has been 'relaxing'. Kind of funny really, I explained this to the owner last week, that in fact coming to work was a bit of a 'repreive' from my usual daily list of things to do and get done. Its a way for me to relax by going to the office and working on spreadsheets, putting together formulas, learning macros, and learning the buying trends of video games. Today was a new eye opening experience though. Im charged because I completed the task and even got the house cleaned up this evening, but it was stressful all the same.

I started thinking about the week ahead earlier tonight while I was sharing with Dennis all I had accomplished, and all that I still had to do this week. I started feeling myself lift off in the air and feel like I was spinning. It's funny how when you have a week that is so full you can't imagine how it will get done that simply taking each day at a time, it all works out. Carpooling comes through, chores get completed, it all just 'works'.

It's small moments like this that make me just want to shout, 'Thank you Jesus for reminding me to breathe.....and showing me how it all just comes together.'


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