Thursday, April 06, 2006

A lighter note!

Ok after the last post I felt the need to lighten things up: So Ill leave you with a thought. One of my assignments is :

Objective: Locate successful use of line, and space/white space in a printed medium. Explain how it was used successfully based on your understanding of the elements.

That means looking through objection here ;P

so I stumbled across this one :)

A kiss a day can keep the doctor away .........highly interesting reading

did you know

Unlike getting to the gym in the wee hours or foregoing that creamy carmel latte in favor of the water, smooching doesn't require much discipline. Nor does it leave you feeling deprived. However, be forewarned: Kissing, like a salty chip, can leave you with a sensational craving for more......... like I needed a magazine to point that out

continuing on

"Burn and tone: Kissing revs your metabolism. Depending on the intensity of the passion. It can burn up to six calories a minute (as compared to 11 calories on a treadmill) It's also a great heart-pumping/pulse-racing workout. Serious smooching requires the use of all sorts of muscles and tendons for total body conditioning. You'll be fit'n trim in no time."

Ill end it there.......... for more see this months She Knows Diet and Fitness magazine

In conclusion I HAVE discovered what is missing in my DAILY workout! :P

"A man loses his sense of direction after four drinks; a woman loses hers after four kisses”

Henry Louis Mencken


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