Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Think, Think Thinking I need a hug

My heads spinning. So many things to consider think about.........I need a hug, I think its just that simple. Im not sure when I realized that about myself, but sometimes when I feel snowed under or just can't seem to place what it is that I want or is going on in my head.......its simple, I need a hug.

Im stirred up a great deal about writing again. Neek and I stayed up till the wee early hours talking about the direction I want to take my 'book'. I think the next thing I really need to do is outline it. I should say the next thing Neek has told me to do is outline it. She's right! So many things to consider in it, but outlining where I want to go with it, how far into my past I need to dig up and write out I need to face and think about.

Dennis convinced me a while back to burn many of the letters I held onto from almost 4 years ago. The letters between him and her about me and his plans for his new life. They serve me no purpose having or keeping them, I just haven't dug them out to deal with them and burn them....His point was its m
ore hurtful keeping them then not. So I will be dealing with this in the very near future. I don't look forward to it. Neek suggested there might be something from them I want to keep to use as a reference for when I go back and share my story. There may very well be something inside of that pile of paper I could use, the question I put before myself is this, am I ready to reread those 'words', the papers that made me feel like a fleck of dust in the air? Walked all over like dirt on the ground, but maybe just maybe I can handle it now. Words can have such a huge impact on people now and tomorrow, I think if anything that is one lesson I have learned well in life. Be sure how and what you document about yourself and others, the words you write may come back to haunt you one day.
Some of mankind's most terrible misdeeds have been committed under the spell of certain magic words or phrases.
- James B. Conant

I love this quote!

George Bernard Shaw, Back to Methuselah
Some men see things as they are and say why... I dream of things that never were and say why not.


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