Wednesday, January 24, 2007

I can do it?

This week has been a bit of 'fresh air' having the temperature rising up to the 70's again, I couldn't help but find myself enjoying being outside. Today with it being warmer outside then it was inside I found myself deciding to clean out a storage building with the hope of finding room to store all the items that had been in the trailer that I found a new home for earlier this week. Its a never ending process or at least it can feel like one trying to dispose of the items that are from your past.

A few weeks ago I found therapy in shredding documents from years past, the start of our business, things that had no 'tangible' value to keep any longer. Today I found myself discarding 'things', ok GARBAGE from the past. Scraps of wood from the period where I was into tole painting and he into woodworking, playground items for the huge playground fixture we built in the backyard, and gallons and gallons of paint from endless 'projects' this house has seen and lived through. Nothing worth value, but items that as a home owner now of almost 15 years you collect, pile up, or simply forget you have. I've put off dealing with a lot of these things simply because I didn't want to dredge up memories, or because it something I just didn't want to deal with. I'm trying a new approach to life.

I ran into a neighbor at Target this week. She's one of those you make sure if you see her outside you choose carefully when you want to run into. It's not that she's unpleasant to talk with, quite the opposite, but the thing is its never a 'quick' conversation. She and her husband have lived in the home across from my house for a bit longer then I have been here. We talked brielfly about the housing market and it left me dazed and confused. Most of the homes on this hill she told me are going for 800K or more. My home being not as big as the homes she was talking about wouldn't go for as much, but still. My focus had changed up till then about simply wanting to do what it would take to get it on the market and get out from under owning a home. But has that been a way of running away from things? We talked quite a bit and she is one to leave you feeling stronger and like you can tackle anything if you put your mind to it. I left feeling encourage that no matter what I attempted I could do it. If I wanted to expand this home, and get every dollar out of it I could do it. That leaves me wondering however, should I do it? Where do you draw the line on what you can do verses what you should do? This is the element I hate having to deal with alone. I want someone to tell me specificially what to do. Maybe that makes me a chicken. Maybe it means I don't have the courage to try something and fail. Or maybe, I simply just need to make this a top priority of prayer and let the Lord guide me.


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