Thursday, January 25, 2007

Rush Hour Madness!

I was orginally going to title the name of this post "Sleepless in San Diego" since I felt it was fitting due to the fact I got about 1 hour of sleep last night. It became apparent however, as I kept writing that the title really didn't fit what I wanted to say.

Today after really not wanting to get up to take the kids to school since I had no sleep really whatsoever last night (for no reason I can figure out) I hit the roads. The roads in Southern California are just no fun to be on any more and more specifically the roads around here are just horrible. Years ago when my family chose to move to this area they chose it wanting to avoid the traffic and congestion of the Los Angeles area. The freeways back then, believe it or not, were single lane highways and you could find times during the day that NO one was on them. The 'period' of time has long since past. Today they there is no such thing as 'rush hour'.

Southern Californian's live their lives in a 'state of perpetual' rushedness. (I'mpretty sure that isn't a word, but in my state of mind it works!) We are so busy trying to get somewhere we get frustrated daily with the state of our lives. As I drove home and today it took me 2 times the time it should considering they have briliantly decided to work on every single road between Vista and Oceanside all at the exact same time and have one lane shut down on every road (I kid you not!) I commented to Dennis the other day that honestly I didn't realize there was really that many city workers because until lately I had never seen so many working all at the same time....which of course leaves me to wonder what it is they do when they are shutting down the roads I need to travel on! Ok back on track, two times as long to get home. On this particular drive I was sitting at a light that I had to wait for it to cycle about 6 times before I finally got to get through this specific intersection and a SUV somewhere behind me decides his time is more valuable then the rest of us and he is going to simply make his own way through. Bad call when there are huge dump trucks on the road you need to squeeze by. No SUV can be a match for a Semi Truck on the road but yet this guy in this vehicle felt he was important enough to make it work. I did get a chance to honk my pathetic bit of a horn at him, as did a few people behind me, but still all the same, he got up on the dirt and passed the rest of us. That left me wondering. Is it more selfish of the driver feeling his time is more valuable then the rest of us driving by or is it the same type of selfishness that leaves me realing with frustration? I honestly didn't like the question because it turned the table back on myself. And thats where I've left it, in the midst of rush hour madness!


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