Thursday, February 01, 2007

Wednesday and Fridays

Wednesdays and Fridays are usually my favorite days of the week. The kids are home on these days and we homeschool and get to have a much more restful morning getting up and hitting the books. I snapped a few pictures of the antics Ashley and I enjoy each of those mornings......

By the time we let Cleo (puppy) out of her kennel Kitty has usually claimed Ashley's pillow. Often times of course this occurs mid way through the night and Ashley wakes up with a crook in her neck, but all the same the pillow is Kitty's. --That is until Cleo is up :)

Cleo bounds into the room and sometimes needing help is lifted up into Ashley's bed. This leaves the stare down. The two sit there as if life was normal, the cat refusing to admit she is pissed off and the dog trying hard as she will to not want to pounce on the cat. Eventually "kitty" gets mad and starts to bat at the pup. This is funny since she never uses her claws, but it gets Cleo all the more excited. Cleo wants the pillow! Eventually the cat gets mad and takes off, and Cleo 'wins' getting the pillow and Ashley to herself. The cat, she gets even...and eats Cleo's food :) Its a dog eat dog world don't you know :) And that is in a nutshell the antics of our Wednesday and Friday well as those weekends I get to spend with the kids.


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