Wednesday, October 03, 2007

A Fun Contrast!

Since today is really another day that I feel like I am going to look back on one day and wonder how it was I survived it I thought it might help to record todays activities. Sometimes it feels like the days just slips through my hands. Im not sure where it went, I got stuff done but where did the day go??????

6:30 am Alarm goes off (why oh why do I have that darn thing still set to Buzz Buzz Buzz?)

6:45am I finally get the energy to get up and wake the girls up

6:50am Energy Drink, shower, and pull together paperwork for conferences

7:35 am Head to Girls school after arguing with Emily for the past 30 min about todays upcoming labs (she all of a sudden doesn't' want to swim after begging to take this class)

8:00am First conference with Emily's teacher (shes doing great....10 min later we are done...wait till 8:30 for Jessica's conference)

9:00am Leave the school and talk briefly with Dennis

9:20am Home just in time to get one subject of our Homeschool day done...

9:40am head out for labs at the YMCA

10:00 drop off the girls for labs (art & swimming)
I get a small reprieve I get to go shopping at Kohl's while I wait on them to get done!

11:30 pick up lunch

11:45 pick up girls

12:00 drop off girls check on the older two to make sure they don't have any urgent needs on their school work

12:10 head to work

2:20 leave work head home

2:30 walk in door, start a load of laundry, deal with ants that are in the house, vaccume carpet and somehow look over the girls school work they did while I was at work.

3:30 Turn on laptop and work from home for the next 2 hours

5:30 start dinner (start to wonder if this feeling I have is me breaking into 100 pieces)

6:30 sit down with the kids for dinner

6:35 K calls and rescues me from having to pick up the kids from Youth Group tonight! Praise God!

6:45 head out to pick up C from K's house and take all 3 to the church for Youth Group
(I do love elderly people but honestly after the sun sets they shouldn't be driving out on the streets because they usually end up going the wrong way!)

7:05 pm back home, drop another load of laundry in, sort it and throw it into piles for the kids to deal with, mine currently sits in a pile on my bed.

7:23 pm I sit here typing, knowing I have to clean up the kitchen, bake cookies for the kids for lunch tomorrow, prepare for tomorrow, really I should just shut off the laptop and deal with all the rest of my work tomorrow.....but I dont like to get behind.

What lays ahead?

8:30 Tuck the girls into bed

9:00 - 9:30 ish Dennis will call for our nightly chat

10:30-11:00 we will say goodnight

12:00 I may get lucky and hit the pillow

Tomorrow, it just begins again.

I just look forward to Fridays.....they are a small bit of peace in the midst of insanity!


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