Friday, November 17, 2006

A Bit of humor in the midst of........ well, dung :)

My son came home from school this week bursting at the seams about what he has been learning in Architecture. They have had an assignment to blue print the homes they live in. I find that kind of funny (funny ha ha) considering the state of our home lately. Anyway, addtionally they learned about toilets and lavatories and were asked to add them into their drawings. The teacher also decided to share some history that I found, well very humorous. Back in colonial days ships would sail to the New World with bags full of well, ok fertilizer in them. They would keep these bags at the bottom of the ships ( highly approved of by a simple female mind like mine). The ships would leak though and water would seap into them, so the sailors had to check on the bags reguarly. At this time, ships weren't equipped like they are today with running electicity. So they would walk down the ships with laterns, and with the gas that the bags of fertilizer had acquired in a small confined space (methane) , many of these ships blew up. So to take care of this problem they changed where they stowed the bags and these bags were labeled clearly so that they wouldn't mistakenly place them into the wrong location. The bags were labeled Ship High In Transit. Being sailors they shortened the phrase to the acronym. Hee hee, that did make me laugh. Ill admit I had to look it up to make sure the teacher wasn't creating something new and sure enough, I did find it :)

Humor has been greatly needed and appreciated this week :)

Progress on the cars begun again last they are with the wheels attached and sanded and such. Tonight is check in, so we shall see, we shall see! The question Im pondering right now is if graphite makes the car wheels really speed up or slow down, hmmmm.


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