Sunday, October 29, 2006

What to do with a Lazy Weekend?

It happens once in a while, not very often, but once in a while I am given a gift I just don't know what to do with. This weekend is just that. A weekend with nothing planned. I am hoping by sitting here and typing a blog it will jump start me in writing so I can actually get some writing done for my book, but for now here I am.

The kids have been with their father this weekend. The house is quiet and I have had NO plans. Strange feeling, not being needed, not being asked to take someone somewhere, drive somewhere, to wash something, bake something or cook something to .....not be 'needed'.

Yesterday I watched The Matix series again while scrubbing the floors, carpets, dusting, ironing and chasing the puppy around. It helped keep the 'lonely' feeling at bay. Church last night was wonderful, but this morning, I can't seem to chase the 'lonely' feeling away. While being needed 24 7 can be overwhelming at times, not being needed is well........just that, not being needed......sorta, sad.

But I won't sit here and wallow. Having Dennis in my life has helped, I know he knows what Im struggling with and has called and texted me quiet often to keep me smiling. Next weekend can't get here fast enough....another weekend without the kids, but Ill be in Arizona, it won't feel lonely. But for now I sit here, thoughts filling my head but struggling to get them out on paper. Strange, how we can long for the time to sit and write and yet when we are given just that we don't know what to do with it. I suppose that is a lesson in itself, to be greatful for each day and what it is, not reflect on what it isn't and make the most of each moment we are given. Hmm way to mature of a thought, I take it back I take it back :P


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