Sunday, November 12, 2006

Complete Honesty

On Postsecret I saw this card come up and it made me cry.

I was married for almost 14 years and it came to my understanding later on in my marriage that neither of us shared everything with each other. I think we might have started, sharing our dreams, sharing our hopes, sharing our aspirations....but when did it end?

Complete honesty is something I decided a while back I have to have in any relationship. If you can't be completely honest with each other, your relationship is doomed to end in some sort of disolutionment down the line. Being able to share exactly who you are and where you want to go in life. Sharing what scares you, what holds you back, what motivates you. Sharing your strengths as well as your weaknesses. Complete honesty isn't easy.

Even today I have to check myself a lot of the time. Am I sharing who I am, or who I think he wants me to be. I did that for such a long time, try to be the 'woman' I thought my husband wanted, that it is an easy place for me to fall back into. Dennis has made it easier on me, I can be who I am with him and not feel like Im a disappointment. I think the worst judge of me, is myself and that is something I am still working on.


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