Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Trials times three

Have you ever noticed that when things start to go off track, things start to go wrong, or when thing just appear to no longer be going your happens in batches of three?

We have had a lot of things hitting us lately, not as painful as it has been in the past, but still the same events that leave me wondering...Ok Lord Im listening, what is it you are trying to tell me or shake me up to see now?

Last week I was busy, very busy and in the midst of it I realized that it was time to treat the pup and cat with flea medication. My ex had given me a batch of samples and I decided to use the sample cat medication on the cat. This turned into a horrid 24 hour period ahead. Apparently the product was actually dog flea medication and relabeled for a trade show up and coming. The product inside of the tube has actually killed cats since the main ingredients for dogs is different then what a cat is treated with. "Kitty" went into a sort of shock and was having nervous twiches, her eyes became dialated and well suffice it to say, she just wasn't herself. I immediately got her into the vet that morning after giving it to her and she spent the remainder of the day under a vets watch, and that left me with a nice vet bill. I stuggle paying for things like this, cats aren't people and to spend money on having an iv, pain killer, etc given is hard for me to decide to do. My eldest daughter was so distraught over this and knowing how messed up she had been from loosing our dog Sadie 3 years ago, I did what I needed to for her. That evening when we brought her home, she wasn't fully recovered but was acting so much more like herself I saw my daughters face completely change, it was that realization that made every penny I spent worth it. Then we headed into the weekend.

Saturday while I was in Arizona, I get a call. Mom, I am going to the vet with Cleo. This was the first time my ex had allowed the kids to bring the puppy over to his home. I was tickled at the thought of not having to pay a boarding fee for her. Something took place with my ex's son and he broke the dogs leg. She now walks around with a purple cast on it. I am grateful that my ex has taken his share of the responsibility for both of these instances. I think it shows a huge growth in how we can deal with each other, but that was instance or trial number 2. Puppies are only puppies for such a short time, so even though it will only be 2 weeks or so she has to wear this, it still makes me sad. And that leaves me wondering.....trial number 3?

Yesterday while driving the car stalled. So something else is up with it. Im not sure if this is trial number 3. Seems almost to easy, but if thats the case Ill take it. That or Im just getting use to having to face new and difficult trials each and every day.


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