Im fortunate to have a a few friends in my life that help me take a good look at myself at times. Today I got to speak to Luke on the phone for a bit and that conversation led to a hard look at myself. I work with Luke 3 days a week now, but we don't get much time to chit chat other then admire the newest and greatest electronics on the market. Today he knew I needed a friend and called and we talked a bit. I didn't lay anything earth shattering on him, he just listened. I suppose I listened to myself at the same time. I think I see an issue the Lord wants me to face. Im a people pleaser. Thats a hard position to live in at times. I want everyone around me 'happy'. Thing is, we can't control the factors in everyones lives. We can only do our part. If Im on the phone with a friend, or a special somone and they seem depressed. I take it as, Im not doing my part to make them happy. Wow, just typing that out is difficult to face. I want the tone of the voice to demonstrate a 'happiness' that we are talking. I want the person to feel better when they are with me. Thats a heavy burden to walk around with.
Driving my son to youth group tonight I was thinking about just that. I stopped thinking and worring about the tone of the last conversation with the person I just had and acknowledged that today was beautiful. I'm healthy, and have so many blessings in my life. More then I can count, why do I allow the so called unhappiness of another to effect me so? I started thinking about the bumper sticker I saw on the truck in front of my while I was waiting for Ashley to finish Volley Ball practice. HE> i was all it said. Wow what powerful words, what a powerful statement that is. HE is so much greater then anything I can say, I can do, or I give. I like this quote by Bruce Walker
"We cannot be happy without God. This simple fact is easy to forget. As people rail against religion, particularly Christian faith, they rail against their only chance to be really happy. Without God, nothing really matters. Without God, luck and whim and opinion are our false gods."
Im not in control of the happiness of others. I do need to take care of being the best person I can in Christ. I need to love others and care for them but not take on the burden of their life so that it effects my own personal 'happiness'. Life is to short not to take full opportunity of the blessings in front of our own eyes.
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