Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Bad Attitude Transformed

Ive had a rough morning. I suppose its true even for someone in my position to get to dreaming more about summer then wanting to school my children. I was talking to Ashley's teacher about this just last conference period.....we are in the sight of school ending so we start to think more about that then what still needs to be taking place. Fortunately, spring break is around the corner, that will either motivate us with a week off, or tease us all the more....we shall see. So my morning. I was not motivated to teach. In fact I really dragged my heals about getting out to the kitchen to work with the girls. Ill admit even when I finally kicked myself into gear we did end up spending the first part shooting baskets (paper ball wads) into the trash for a bit ....that was fun :)

So Im struggling to teach the girls and then Emily started reading her science
book outloud and it hit me...shes reading so well. Made tears swell up thinking about how far she has come. I'll admit one of the biggest blessings of teaching my own children is knowing that I had a first hand in getting each of them to read. But with Emily things were a little different. Emily was in that beginning stage 3 years ago. 3 years ago was when my life changed. Emily had the brunt of it. Ill admit, rather humbly, I wasn't good for much that year and with her at the point of really needing one on one time she was the most effected by my inability to teach much that year. Neek helped me tons that year, she took Emily from me once a week and tutored her in math, reading and gave her art lessons. Neeks ability to draw is amazing, whats really special is that in our hall downstairs I have a picture she drew of Emily when Emily was 3. Neek touched Emilys life that year when I couldn't do much more then survive. Today, Emily has caught up to her class in all areas. Thats a huge blessing. She can read with ease and in fact enjoys reading. She remembers the time she had with Neek and misses the art lessons especially. Thats not the only way Neeks touched our lives but one that stood out today :)

Its funny when you stop to think about how blessed you are instead of feeling sorry for yourself how your attitude can completely change :)

Nothing could be worse than the fear that one had given up too soon, and left one unexpended effort that might have saved the world. Jane Addams

I don't do great things. I do small things with great love. Mother Teresa

We look forward to the time when the Power of Love will replace the Love of Power. Then will our world know the blessings of peace. Gladstone


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