Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Today's Shopping Experience

For those who know me well enough this will not come as much of a surprise to you. I dont really care to shop! Ok let me reclarifiy that, I dont like to shop when I have a specific need, and honestly rarely do I enjoy window shopping ....so effectively I guess my first comment was correct.

Today I decided after getting a considerable amount of things done around here to hit the mall. I figured I had a reasonable reason to shop (and I did stay away from V Secret :P----which took a good dose of will power, because no matter how I feel about shopping I can always find something there) , I have a interview at the church on Thursday to work as an assitant to the Jr High pastor in the area of graphics (calendar publication etc) . It completely volunteer, but I figured it still was a reasonable excuse to go shopping. Additionally I was on the hunt for a Easter Dress (apparently still to early to shop for those). So with no luck in the dress department I was back in the usual areas.....and of course I am always looking for jeans since they are near to impossible to find that fit ( in length!) Its funny to me that they must think the average person is apparently MUCH taller then I am. At the same time if I shop in the petite department the pants never seem to be LONG enough.......so that leaves me pretty frustrated any time I shop. Fortunately this year capri's are still 'in'. I can't go wrong with that length of pants!

Ok so after getting over the frustration of no dresses, jeans that are too long ....I decide to look for tops. Usually I have way better luck shopping for any kind of shirt, top or blouse.........grr not so much lately, and really whats with the colors this spring! Honestly the color pink and green they have out looks like old wedding party colors........UGLY.....so didn't have much luck looking for tops either. In the process I also tried on some other pants, now do I need more pants?? Not really, did I buy more pants?? ...well (bends her head in shame) yes! Grrr I can't pass a good fit up its just to hard! I was VERY tempted to even buy the pair of pants that I tried on in the size I'm aiming to be at simply because they fit! See I am smart enough to realize I will never be the size I was when I was a teenager......just isn't going to happen. But Im aiming at being the size I was before children (not a single digit but the smallest 2 digit size....you do the math) So I tried a pair on in this size and guess what! THEY FIT!!!! Woot, ok but did they look good? Not in my opinion, but still I was pretty stoked! The day would have ended on more of a sour note if not for that pair of slacks that I did not buy.(that took will power!).....now granted I did end up at NY&C and found a few tops and (grr yes another pair of slacks, but then again how can you not in that store!) Oh and it was Christmas money spent so no guilt here :)

"When you can think of yesterday without regret and tomorrow without fear, you are near contentment."

“He who spends time regretting the past loses the present and risks the future” Quevedo


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