Saturday, March 04, 2006

My path....regaining what was robbed

Last night this comment was made or quote was stated and I can't shake it nor do I want to...there is too much truth to it.

"To approach anything in the spirit of hopelessness is to make it hopeless; to approach anything in the spirit of faith is to make it a possibility"

Each day we get out of bed it is a step of faith as we face the day and move forward. Tonights message about Regaining what was robbed was amazing. I've always heard the story of 'faith like a mustard seed' but honestly never really could apply it to myself. My faith has always been strong ...or so I thought. While Ill admit to misplacing my faith in people and thinking they are capable of more then they are, faith hasn't been much of an issue. But more recenlty I think, no I know, I have been struggling with it.

Many of my friends who have faced a marriage breaking up or some hardship found themselves facing the fact that their faith had been weakened before getting to that point. As time went on from the hardship forward their faith grew stronger....for me the opposite. At first my faith was strong. It kept me through all of the hardships I faced. But as time went on, slowly ....very slowly I think each event....the break of communication and then trust, him cheating on me, his need to remarry a week after the divorce, the death of Melinda, the death of the dog, the flood (s), ......each weakened me. I dont think I even recognized it. Effectively I was robbed in the process.

When you think about how tiny a mustard seed is....and its an example to us of all we need. Thats pretty amazing. To think that He knew we would struggle and question things and all we needed was enough faith to move one step forward and He would move or better yet carry us the rest of the way.

Maybe Im rambling.....maybe I am ...

Chris gave us 3 questions to ponder and reflect upon at the end. They are this:

1. Where in my life am I arguing instead of sharing?
2. Where do I feel like I have been robbed and who amd I blaming?
3. What is my first step in getting back on the path with Jesus?

Hard questions.....ones I have been and will continue to think about in the month ahead.

"The very fact that possibilities are unknown gives scope to unbridled fancy and the wildest hopes. " Agnes Laut


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