Thursday, March 02, 2006

Hope for the heartless?

A young baby boy sits in an intensive care unit awaiting to receive a heart transplant. Nick and Nate Draper have been on the news as of lately, two sweet young baby boys needing heart transplants. As I was working out this morning I watched the story and felt the pain that those parents must be experiencing. One boy has as of now received a successful heart transplant but the other, Nate still awaits one. This made me start thinking .............

Last night I had a great converstation with L. I suppose you could say my hope in men was restored a little. He had called earlier to set up plans for this weekend and could tell I needed someone to talk to. So later that night he called me back and we chatted for some time. I suppose my hearts condition isn't in the place it use to be. I'm a bit scared that I may not be able to open up and trust anyone again. I shared with him my fears ....and was surprised by some of his responses. He is still in contact with almost all the woman he has ever dated. Still friends. I wondered how that was possible. He shared with me what I was starting to think just was not possible to find in men. You can talk things out in the end. You can protect the feelings of another. You just have to treasure the heart enough to do that. He shared with me that in his opinion the reason why men slink away .....they dont want to face the guilt they walk around with from causing pain. Its uncomfortable, so the easy thing to do is just walk away from it.

I think as a whole most of us do not recognize the responsibility of a relationship. What trust is offered and the value it has. I think this goes for both general friendships and for romantic entanglements. If you trust me enough to give me part of who you are to share your inner thoughts and dreams, and I do the same...theres a connection thats created. When someone can severe it without regard to what pain they cause another, what does that say about the condition of our hearts?

We walk around each day with no regard to the gift we have. The ability to love and be loved, to trust and be trusted, to share and share we are each blessed with. The heart we have is a gift from God. We take it for granted..........we only stop to think about it when faced with not having a heart. My prayers are with the parents of those little boys. And my hope is a bit restored.

Hope is always available to us. When we feel defeated, we need only take a deep breath and say, "Yes," and hope will reappear. -- Monroe Forester

“What seems to us as bitter trials are often blessings in disguise” Oscar Wilde

“When you say a situation or a person is hopeless, you are slamming the door in the face of God.” Charles Allen


Anonymous Anonymous said...


11:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

raise the bar :)

12:24 PM  

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