Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Inspirational Reading

One frustrating aspect to me about finding a good book or better yet a GREAT book is that it takes me forever to read it. I find myself rereading chapters over and over again because it just makes so much sense I want to really 'get it' lodged into my brain. For anyone who truley knows me, thats a scary place :).

Last week I finally finished reading Blessed and Highly Favored as seen on my other blog in my 101 list. Reading 10 books for me is nothing, ( could do that in a month) except I keep selecting GREAT books! Not that Im complaining at all. I am finding myself a sponge again in my spiritual journey. God's been showing himself to me in so many ways its hard to explain. Just each book I pick up and start to read, each sermon I hear at church....I feel like God is talking to me. That could come across as prideful, but its not. I find myself humbled each day and wanting so badly to be a 'better' person and more of who He wants me to be.

This week I started reading The Allure of Hope by Jan Meyers. Let me just say WOW. (That means a 5 star rating in peach talk :) )The first 2 chapters have me spellbound. There is so much truth in what she writes. The following is an exerp from her book:

"Envision an exquisite five-star restaurant. You walk through the door and are gently jolted with the lull over conversation, the warmth of candlelight and luminous nooks, the mingled smells of several fine dishes. The room is festive and relaxing. The maitre d'ushers you to your table, causing you to feel not only welcomed but even expected and desired. You feel the tension drain away as you prepare to enjoy the company at your table and the meal you anticipate as you scan the list of possibiltilies.

Looking up from your menu for a moment, you glance toward the kitchen and catch the eye of the chef, a kind-looking man. He acknowledges your gaze with a warm smile and a look that in your restful state says to you "I am preparing something wonderfu ljust for you. Wait. You'll love it. I'm doing this for you." You feel a twinge of embarrassment, but it is quickly engulfed in the sheer delight of thinking that something is being prepared with you in mind.

You love this place. Life feels right for a mooment, and you take it all in. How could he have known what you love? You wait and converse and laugh and drink and wait. And then it arrives--the spectacular dish. All are served, and with gratitude you savor your first bite. Heaven. Perfection. How did he do this? You continue to imbibe and laugh, and time slips away.

Suddenly, a tap on yoru shoulder. Startled, you turn to see the maitre d' standing behind you with a grim look on his face. I'm sorry, but I have to ask you to leave." You are certain there is an emergency and you request the details, but none are given. "No, I simply must ask you to leave. Please come with me." His voice is commanding and direct. You are stunned and embarassed but feel compelled to follow, at least to see what this interruption is about. The maitre d' ushers you past tables of glowing faces and candles, then through the kitchen, where you look for the chef you see only busboys. You are taken out of the back door into the frigid night air, down the cement steps and into the alley behind the restaurant. Furious and confused, you demand an explanation, but all that is given in reply is the turn of the deadbolt lock.


You are stunned. You are alone. Trash cans, oily puddles, and the steam from a sewer vent make up your new surroundings. Welcome to the alleyway.

The most natural thing for us to do when we have been jolted into the alleyway by life is to think, This is where my hope is lost . My sweet dream has been snatched away, and hope has been snatched away with it . The wild reality of God, through, is that this is where hope begins. Hope begins when the memory what was becomes a longing for what is to be restored.

I about cried after reading this....OK I DID CRY. This is me, this is MY life. Isn't it amazing how selfish we are at times thinking the suffering we go through is us alone. We aren't alone, there are so many out there with similar stories or worse.

I am a person who has a natural ability or really a God given ability to Hope and Dream. In all that my life has been and become some would not want to go on or dream to have a better life ahead. That isn't me. I know without a doubt that this is all temporary anyway, but I LONG for the days ahead and the blessings that He will provide.

I still believe in wishing upon a star, Santa Claus like Christmas's, prayers do get answered, and that dreams DO come true.

We don’t attract what we want, we attract what we are. - Author Unknown


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