Monday, May 08, 2006

Im Writing Again!

Im pretty excited and stirred up, happy, flying on cloud 9 and all of that tied up in one huge bundle of energy! I have a bunch of reasons for it but first Im writing again. The hours Dennis and I have been spending getting to know each other have been stirring up so many thoughts in my mind and Im writing again. Last night after midnight and having been in bed for a bit it was almost like it was dropped on me like a brick. All of a sudden tons of thoughts and words where flying around in my head again. Here is a sampling:

"A man sits and lights a campfire out camping in the wilderness one evening and doesn’t realize that the winds along the hillside are about to pick up. He sits there by the campfire completely unaware of the events that are about to take place on that hill that night. The ashes of that small campfire lift up and land onto the dry ground surrounding the campsite. The leaves begin to smolder and eventually the brush ignites into a roaring flame. That flame is caught up into the winds and within minutes the entire field is lit up and on fire. In the days ahead the grounds and surrounding acres of beautiful countryside are burned down to black ashes and soot. The remaining effects are blacked, scared and ugly terrain. Sadly looking over the hillside it would be difficult to ever imagine that hill being beautiful again. Winter hits just one month later and in coolness of one minute inside of one day snowflakes begin to fall from the sky. Within an hour there is a white blanket covering that hillside."

Its written rough first of all, I haven't spent anytime looking over grammar and wordage but its written as a metaphor. I typed up 2 pages last night and that was after a few nights getting 4 pages typed out. Dennis and I have talked over so many issues of our past and the things we want in our future and its stirred up so much within my heart I just have to write it out.

Additionally, my tennis serve has improved tons, my new racket I picked up today (its too cool!), the weekend flew by, my Design class is almost concluded so it will really loosen up my work load and SUMMER is almost here...only 2 1/2 weeks to go! Hard to believe!

There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved. "George Sand

Happiness often sneaks in through a door you didn't know you left open. John Barrymore


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