Tuesday, May 09, 2006


Ok maybe stalked is a bit of a strong word for what took place today but thats what if felt like. Today it seemed warm enough to drop the top down and drive around 'topless'.

So off I was running errands and got back onto the freeway.
All of a sudden a golden Forerunner is driving alongside me in the fast lane. Not so interesting I know....but hang tight. Time goes by, one mile, two miles and this guy is still driving at the same speed, right next to me. I ignore him. Finally, he pulls behind me and desides to tailgate my butt for a bit. I hate (ok I hate the word hate, but I do really hate) tailgaters. There is just something about when someone does that it makes me seriously want to slam my breaks just to make then crash into me. (no I have never done that but I always think it) So I say a quick prayer to keep my calm and continue to ignore the jerk. He gets bored of the lack of attention and desides now he will pull into the right lane. I can totally see out of the corner of my sunglassed eyes him trying to get my attention, I chose to ignore him. Eventually I have to get off the freeway to go home, but no way am I going to take the usual offramp. I figure if I have to Ill drive all through town and hopefully he will get lost at a stop light. Fortunately, since I pulled over last minute, if he was going to follow me he didn't get that chance.

See the thing is, if someone like this is doing this kind of stunt does he really think he will get the attention of the female in the car? I am serious -- I can't stand the concept of being picked up in the gym, like being hooted at in a passing car is going to get me excited! Do men think they can really get phone numbers that way? Am I really that nieve?

I wrote a note to Dennis and being that he was in law enforcement for some time he offered a few good tips if this was to happen again. But that was in my opinion....kinda a stalky thing to have happen :)
The recommendation that sticks out at the moment was to drive to a fire station, there are more of them and easier to get to then a police station. Good thing to keep in mind!

Bad News: Stinkin Dryer broke again
Good News: 2 weeks ago when they were out I bought the service contract too so it shouldn't cost much

Good News: My new SHOES arrived today! Plus I picked up a good pair of running shoes earlier too, so my feet should be in heaven now! Hopefully with both new shoes and a new racket at todays lesson Ill be hittin pretty. Yesterdays lesson with Heidi, she commented I was playing better....gotta love that!

Bad News: I haven't finished any of the 3 classes worth of work yet.
Good News: Its only Tuesday, and Im almost completed with my photo shots.
Good News: For my last assignment in Design all I have to do is critique to classmates web designs.
Bad News: I get critiqued by two classmates too........I shall be humbled!


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