Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Feelings of inadequacy

I'm sure we have all had moments when we fill inadequate to deal with what is before us. It's a natural state in some ways when we are challenged to accomplish something and feel we don't have the skill, knowledge or understanding of just how to do the task set before us. I have been challenged in this way quite a bit lately. This past weekend was my first time playing golf in at least 15 years. I have played golf now exactly three different times. The first time I played was in high school. My second attempt was after I got married with friends and my husband. They all attempted at helping me learn to hit that ball and hold a club right, but still the idea of holding your arm straight and swing a club alluded me.

This past weekend my feelings of inadequacy were challenged one more time as Dennis spent most of Sunday working with me to learn the game. Im not sure what changed this time, but I can now swing a club, and even hit the ball. I can still remember the feeling when the club hit the tee just right and the ball went straight off ahead. Dennis cheered for me and my heart lifted, the pressure I was carring was no longer as heavy since I finally figured out how to do what he had been instructing me to do.

I know a huge part of what is in me is not to fail at the things I attempt to do. No matter how inadequate I may feel, I want to figure it out and learn the task at hand. I don't like to feel inadequate. But then again who does? Tennis instructions probably helped some, learning to keep my eye on the ball. I think ultimately though having Dennis cheering me on and encouraging me to keep trying was a big part of my attempt this time.
So yesterday as I attempted to do a few things around the house (refinish the table, retouch paint up in some of the rooms, and prepare to meet with a mortgage broker), I revisted that feeling of inadequacy. Unsure of myself, my ability to do the tasks at hand ........fear started to grab my heart. But I reflected back on the things I have been able to do. That helped me take a step forward. I suppose its the accomplishments of yesterday that help us take on the challenges of tomorrow. I refuse to allow inadequacy slow me down in life. I have to many more mountains to climb!


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