Thursday, September 28, 2006

Roadtrip Requirements

Tomorrow morning I head out on another road trip. Its amazing how much work it can take to get ready for a trip yet how when their is a sweet reward attached to the work you don't think to grumble, complain, and even consider how much you are doing. This week has been rough preparing for conferences, grading papers, taking care of a puppy, poets tea for the girls at school, classwork for myself to get done early, laundry, all the weekend things one does but needs to do ahead of time in order to not have the work waiting upon your return. Oh yes and new tires! :) No more squeelin around the corners for me!

So here I am, ready. Packed, prepared, and yet Im not tired? Impatience getting the better of me. Tomorrow I drop off the kids with their father and head out to Arizona, and what is needed for a good roadtrip?


Two simple basic necessities. More specifically, the type of food. Red vines, French burnt peanuts, nutter butters, and blow pops. Protein, protein and well junk food. What more could one want for? I blame my mother. Its a stand by excuse we have to use in our lifetime. When you can't figure out what else to blame. Blame mom! I can remember years ago my mother packing those burnt peanuts and me begging for them but she wouldn't share! :) Blow pops I haven't had a craving for in years, probably because of the amount I craved while being pregnant countless times. But its a stand bye, now if I can only be patient enough to not bite into the candy. Here's hoping!

I enjoy driving. I look forward to simple road trips. I enjoy the time it gives me to reflect and think about where Im at, what I need to work towards, and where God has me today. It gives me opportunity to see the beauty away from the grind of life. So the obsticale of having a 7 hour drive between seeing my sweetheart and here, not so bad.....its just a miserable drive home.


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