Thursday, November 30, 2006

How was your Thanksgiving?

This is a question that has been put before me quite a bit lately as many have been aware that this was my first trip away for the Holiday weekend. It was crazy, fun, amazing, and emotional all wrapped up in one great package of fun.

The first thing I learned was NOT to travel on the day before Thanksgiving or the Sunday AFTER thanksgiving ever again. Hwy 10 is what we travel on the majority of the time traveling back and forth to each other and it usually pretty empty. Of course you have the large semi trucks to contend with but after all the road trips in the past few years I have made, they no longer concern me. Give them the respect of the road and they give it right back to you. (usually...of course truck drivers are not really known for their smarts...but thats besides the point) So the drive out took us a bit longer and the drive home took us a LOT longer to get home then I would have liked. I am glad we decided Dennis would fly out this weekend instead of me driving back out because I dont think I really have it in me to make that drive for a bit again.

We headed out and arrived and the kids (yes all 8) had a ball. The most interesting part of our mix is seeing kids who have been raised outside in the country mixed up with kids who are pretty 'city'ized' (is that a word?). It is good for my kids though, as I was talking with Dennis the other night about it. I see them growing up in a way they haven't before because of getting this experience. We spent the day at home cooking and playing on Thanksgiving and then Friday and Saturday we hit the dirt. Literally! Too too much fun. I feel like I have been missing out so much by not having had road quads before now. Dennis took me out on an long run while the kids played in the creek (lol, my kids had never experienced MUD before in their lifed.....something that didn't bother me much since as kid I grew up playing in the dirt quite a bit) The smell of the trip and the thrill of driving up and over pretty tough terrain was such a thrill. Id feel as if the quad was going to tip and full throttel it, (not suppose to do that) and my heart would race as it had never experienced before. The thrill of this was so much greater then that of a roller coaster ride. Driving with the dust in the air brought back childhood memories of jeeping out in the dessert and hillsides. The biggest difference was when I was behind the wheel. You can't but help think as a car would when driving out there at first. If a car couldn't drive it I couldn't picture a quad driving it. As I watched him take the hillsides on and then turn to watch me I wanted to scream no no no no! But I saw the twinkle in his eye and had to try it. The quad could handle it. Each hill, each difficult terrain he had me manuever over was a huge learning curve and confidence builder. Watching him smile at me as I handled it did a tremendous amount of confidence building as well.

Since the trip home I have been overwhelmed, with Christmas decorating, laundry, unpacking, rain scare with the roof, and dealing with my ex over renegotionating the business loan buy out. So much going on its been hard to break back in, fotunately they kids schooing is coming to an end here really soon and it will be winter break....I need that!


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