Friday, November 17, 2006


This thought has been on my mind the past few days. Ill blame it simply on 'emotions', we women have the benifit of using that as an 'excuse' so I decided I will use it and maybe even abuse it :).

Its been two days since the workers left my yard a complete disaster. The plumbing part is fixed (as they explained to me they are plumbers not masonary workers) but the cement is ....well hmm an 'art form'. There thats putting it nicely! :) If you are really curious you can puruse my
Flickr account to see more of what it currently looks like, sad part is my eldest daughter had been working on a school project "How to" and she used photos from the back yard on "How to Train a Puppy", the cement was pretty back then....of course the pipes weren't, but then again that was inside the ground, WHO KNEW! So how have I been coping? Jane Austen!

I have had a full fledged Jane Austen Movie Festival in my living room. Much to my children's whiny, quarlsome attitudes about having to watch time period movies, I have lost myself amongst the English romance that Jane Austen wrote and movies were portrayed over. The first to go in the DVD player was the newer release of
Pride and Prejudice. This weekend I intend to watch the full length version, my preferred version of this book. I've watched all the movies this week in my attempt to loose my thoughts, Emma, P&P, Sense & Sensibility, Mansfield Park, Northhanger Abbey, and Persuasion and to lighten the kids up off of me I even popped in Bride and Prejudice...cute cute. So with the idea of 'true' Old Fashioned Romance burning in my head, I wonder does this leave me more vulnerable to does it leave me more hopeful? (I don't have the answer Im hoping someone else will!) When did we loose the romanticism this period of time? Do we get so self absorbed in our own lives we forget to 'win' the fair maiden? Do we forget to croon over the men in our lives? What it would have been like to live as a 'lady' in this age of living.


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