Saturday, February 25, 2006

Can the Fire be relit?

I've come to a understanding of what I need in people or that special someone I allow to touch my heart. The fire or flame of strength to not give up.

A realization has occured to me and I hope by writing it down it will set within my heart and help me to avoid this again in my life. Additionally, I want to focus on this as a potential weakness within my son and hope that I can help him avoid this in his life.

Quitting defined is this:
quit (kwĭt) pronunciation

, quit or quit·ted (kwĭt'ĭd), quit·ting, quits.
  1. To depart from; leave: “You and I are on the point of quitting the theater of our exploits” (Horatio Nelson).
  2. To leave the company of: had to quit the gathering in order to be home by midnight.
  3. To give up; relinquish: quit a job.
  4. To abandon or put aside; forsake: advised them to quit their dissipated ways.
  5. To cease or discontinue: asked them to quit talking; quit smoking.
  6. Computer Science. To exit (an application).
    1. To rid oneself of by paying: quit a debt.
    2. To release from a burden or responsibility.
Divorce to me is the epitome of quitting.

Looking back over my past in both cases my marriage that ended over 3 years ago and in a more recent relationship there were early signs of this 'character flaw or trait' I should have seen and noticed and avoided in my life. If a person is capable of quitting in some things in life I believe now that it will be easy for them to give up later in life and not face the problems as they come about. Im a problem solver. But thats not all, Im a visionary. I dont accept things as impossible to figure out. Im sure its a gift from my parents and theirs passed down. This was something demonstrated early on in my will get tough but you dont give up, you keep going.

The problem with our culture today however, divorce is to prominent. Its like a sickness eating away at our souls. Creating a gap within people to not want to face difficulty, but to turn from it. The term used today a lot is 'throw in the towel' or 'cut your losses short'. I dont believe those terms should ever be used with people. There is no way to 'cut the losses short' when you are involved with somone and feelings are involved. You leave scars with them the rest of their lifes.

Can the fire be relit within a man or a boy. Is it inevitable that a son who watches or lives with a father who has left him in one sense or another to end up lacking the desire to fight for the things he cares about or loves.....Can that fire be lit again within a man .....the fire or passion to carry on, to keep going, to face the problems head on...if a son witnesses his father giving up. Is the strength of the mother enough? The answer to that question scares me. Because if its no, I know the path ahead of my son.

Is Chivilary dead? No, I dont mean the ability to open doors for a woman, to pay for dinner, and all the usual examples that ties in with the first understanding of this word. Is Chivilary in its truest form dieing? Fading away ......I refuse to believe that. I've met men ....some of them are married to my dearest friends, who would fight for their family to the death. Chiviliary isn't dead. But my search now is for the man who with God's strength in his heart, won't throw in the towel or cut his losses short when obsticles present themself.

"Never, never, never give up. "
Winston Churchill

"I am not discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward. "
Thomas A. Edison


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