Friday, February 17, 2006

My head hurts!

One of the most horrible ways of waking up in the morning is with a head ache. Im sure it must be a partial side effect of the lack of mass amount of coffee and caffene based products and lack of McDonalds going into my body (thank goodness). At the same time I haven't been so good at taking my vitamins and day Ill learn.

Today I gave my younger girls an education in music :D. After finding the band I spoke of in the last post I started thinking a lot about music. That band has a similiarity to the Beatles...imo. (maybe just by the fun aspect of the lyrics) Music has always been theapeutic for me. I can loose myself in it or find myself. If Im having a bad day, if I put the right kind of music in it can change my mood in minutes.

During the trip I found my
self replaying a lot of songs...especially in that last half of that drive to stay awake. Songs that had the ability to keep me awake. from Feist......Mushaboom is a really cute song Joy Wiliiams, I listened to off and on, Beautiful South's Gaze cd...the first couple of songs are funky and silly, thats exactly the kind of thing I listened to to keep awake. Wilco and Katie Meula we listened to quite a bit as well. The kids thought I was mad at times, but one does what one needs to keep awake. Ill often even pop in a cd from a broadway production that has a fun beat to sing to. The kids do get a kick out of that. I will say though during the last 3 hours of driving they knew how tired I was and said nothing about what I was playing for music.

So today I was reflecting on where my appreciation for music started. I recalled my childhood. I remembered one year being up in Northern California and being bored out of my mind. My cousins where quite a few years younger then while they are a hoot to be with, at the time I didn't enjoy being stuck with lil kids. And me play with my sister? You must be kidding, she is younger then me and I was a new young teenager who had no interest in anything but myself! So this one summer I found myse
lf locked up in a room listening to old lps of my aunts. I stumbled across a Beatles Album. Now today I looked and looked and could not find the right one, or my memory just isn't what it use to be. I could sware it was the St. Peppers Lonely Hearts Band L P, but on this you cannot find Maxwells Silver Hammer, so maybe it was 2 lps. Anyway I remember listening to those songs over, and over, and over and over. Ill bet you anything I put a permenant groove into it. Something stange about music and me, if I find a really good song I can listen to it over and over and over. Its like I have to hear it for all its worth ...absorb it if you will.

Ok so back to the beginning of my story ...somewhere I went off track. Today I was talking to the girls about music. They really liked the song from the boy least likely to band as well. So I went ahead and downloaded a Beatles album....the St. Peppers one. Now I can't say they are sold on it, but I got to share with them
a story.....I think thats important you know...passing along bits and pieces of who you are to your children.

On a completely different topic.....wheres my DVDs from Deep Discount I ordered the 2nd season to 24 3 weeks ago (Im hooked).....grrr it says it was shipped on the 28th....ummm Ill bet you someone on my street is enjoying it right now as I type this!!! I picked up season 3 today at Target but hmm I don't know if I dare watch it before season 2....something about keeping life in order...Im strange that way :P


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