Saturday, February 25, 2006


Rainbows to me are a symbol of hope. Sure when I see them I can't help but think of the story of Noah and the Ark, but there is more to it for me.

A little over three years ago my life was completely steered off
course, at least the course that I thought I was intended to be on. That wasn't to be the plan for me.

Still filled with hope and certainty that things were going to turn out the way I wanted ......I sat on the beach and saw a rainbow. That rainbow was just one of several the kids and I witness on our trip to Maui.

One of our days we decided to explore the Island. Sure I was a woman alone with 4 kids , but come really cannot get lost on an island the size of Maui. On this trip we saw so many beautiful aspects of that island. We drove up into the rainforest areas and saw rainbows in the waterfalls....that represented hope. We drove up the hills and cliffs of the island and got out and looked at the ocean in all of its slendor. It was an amazing day.......I feared nothing, yet my life was falling apart all around me. I had NOTHING to be secure in, but yet I was still hopeful. My faith kept me strong. My lifes verse has been now for 3 years... Hebrew 11:1 "Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." Its funny how I always come back to this verse when Im struggling.

Ive had a fun day, no rest for me........ I met a bunch of new people, bowled for hours this afternoon, and reconnected tonight with a close friend and talked in length with another.

Tonights message was awesome. Chris Brown brought the letter to the Phillipian Church alive and made me think again. He used this illustration:

There were two twin boys, identical in looks in everyway....but they looked at life completely opposite. If one thought something was too hot, the other would think it was too cold. If one liked something the other different, and so on. The father decided one day to put all the birthday presents into one of the two boys rooms instead of dividing them up. He then piled a pile of horse manure into the other boys room. He put the boys into each of their rooms and closed the doors. Later he returned. The boy with all the presents moaned and complained about how this toy did't do this, how he had to read to many instructions to do that, and how nothing was done right. He then went to the boy who had the pile of manure in his room, and was amazed to see the boy with a huge smile on his face. He asked his son, why are you so happy son? The boys reply......with all this crap in here dad there must be a pony around here somewhere.

This illustration made me think............who do I want to me more like...........who do I find myself more like. Am I a cup half empy person, or a cup half full. I hope I can go forward in life continually looking for the good, even with all the crap that comes my way.


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