Tuesday, February 28, 2006

The question--What do you do?

There is one question in groups or gatherings that I tend to find myself uneasy or uncomfortable answering. I found myself in the same spot again last weekend. I was out with a bunch of people from church ... all single. So of course throughout the time we were together we had times to sit and chat and get to know each other better. The question of what one does for a living is one of those usually asked....and the one I hate to have to answer. Im not sure why really. For those who really know me they know my life is nothing but simple. My life is complicated to say the least. No schedule is ever set or ever remains constant...my life is a constant revolving circus!

So, I found myself talking with someone new and of course he asked....so what do you do? Hmm I said, smiling, thats rather complicated. See when getting to know people I dont want to share complete details with, saying Im a teacher is easy enough. Its true for the most part, I just dont get a pay check like most teachers do. Anyway, so he asks, I answer 'its complicated' with a smile and his reply, surprised me....he said Great! More to talk about then.

That talk has stuck with me for the past couple of days. We talked quite a bit and he seemed to really understand what Im trying to do with the classes Im taking. That made him ask me if I was going to pursue a career in Graphic Arts. Hmm. I told him I wasn't sure, probably because at first the sound of it sounded to good. Today though at the gym I thought hard about it while I was pounding away. Really for the past few years in all the things I have been doing, I have been playing around with designing brochures, posters, pamphlets, etc. I have been doing Graphic Arts in some respect. The stuff I enjoyed most was playing and designing on the computer. With the school, with the mom's support group, all of it....I enjoyed designing the most. I love to take pictures, (granted Im clueless how to use a good camera--but Im sure soon enough that will be fixed to). Its funny how a discussion can stick with you and you know there is a reason for it. The comment that stuck was, "what could be better then getting paid to do something you love"?

Ive been trying to figure out for a year now what it is I want to do with myself. Maybe, just maybe ...Ive got something now to explore. The more I think about it, the more I like it.

Saturday is the first class.....and it fits right in line with this. I suppose now Im just more excited about this then ever :)

"Doing business without advertising, it has been said, "is like winking at a person in the dark. You know what you are doing, but no one else does!" Steuart Britt

People keep telling me that one day the right guy will come along. I think mine got hit by a bus.

People who live in glass houses shouldn't cavort nude on top of a piano doing gorilla impersonations.

Don't settle for the one you can live with...wait for the one you can't live without.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

well I suppose you could always use the Im a taxi driver, chef, comic relief line if the other doesn't work :)

6:29 PM  

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