Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Things I just dont Understand

  1. Cannabalism
  2. Actually most words that end in ism, Feminism, Buddhism, Pessimism, Atheism, etc (454 words --most not all)
  3. Why some females think not shaving their armpits is beautiful
  4. Mothers who leave their children
  5. Mothers who hurt their children
  6. Fathers who hurt their children
  7. Why a man or woman walks away from his family
  8. How someone could just stop loving someone else
  9. Why you would spend more then 50K on a car
  10. Why its always just one sock that disappears.
  11. How someone could cheat on another.
  12. How somone could lie to one they love.
  13. Why people are so selfish.
  14. Why you would eat snails, frogs legs, pigs eyes or any other bizarre food
  15. Why a woman stays with a man who abuses her
  16. People who don't ask questions
  17. Why kids put speakers in the backs of their vehicles and you can hear the thundering sound a state away.
  18. Why the post office seems to employ the slowest people on the earth.
  19. Why parents dont except responsibility for their children's behavior
  20. Why its impossible to spend less then $100 as Costco.
  21. Why my CDR Drive wont open or work
  22. Why I crave chocolate
  23. How a telephone works
  24. What makes a 12, 10, 14 or any child pick up a gun and think he can solve his problems by shooting kids at school
  25. Why he said I love you and then turned and walked away......forever
  26. Artificial insemination........whats the fun in that!
  27. Why my CDRW Drive WONT OPEN!
  28. If the grass is green, then why isn't the sky slue
  29. Racism
  30. What made girls scream over Elvis
  31. Why contentment is so difficult
  32. Why some could think that the complexity of human life could be so easily discarded and thought to be an accident
  33. Why we waste so much time worring about what we dont have instead of enjoying what we do
  34. Why Im alone tonight
  35. The Book of Revelations
  36. Why My CDRW drive wont OPEN!
  37. Why it is impossible to drive the speed limit
  38. Why I lack patience
  39. Why smoke dectectors chirp
  40. Why someone would want to be alone
  41. How to be single after being married.
  42. Why anyone would choose to hurt instead of heal
  43. Why my cdrw drive wont open!
  44. Why talking is to difficult for some
  45. Why the ocean sooths
  46. Why coffee tastes so good in the morning
  47. Why people don't pay attention to the words they say or how hurtful they can be
  48. Why cars break down at the most inopportune times
  49. Why a woman would want to be more like man
  50. Why people give up
  51. How some don't fight to keep what they want or love
  52. Why being right could be more important then that of the feelings of another
  53. Why..............

Ive become a huge Steve Hanks fan. His ability to paint with water colors amaze me. These are a couple more prints of his.

Most of us are pawns in a game of love we don't understand.
~Leo Buscaglia

“I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.” Robert McCloskey

“Watch your thoughts; they become your words. Watch your words; they become your actions. Watch your actions; they become your habits. Watch your habits; they become your character. Watch your character for it will become your destiny.” Frank Outlaw


Anonymous Anonymous said...

so did you fix the computer yet?

3:19 PM  
Blogger Peach said...

I figured out that the hole (the one under where the drive comes out you can shove a needle in it to open the I got the disk out but the drive still doesn't seem to want to work :(

8:53 PM  
Blogger Peach said...

For some unknown BIZARE reason my cdrw drive is working ? idk, why? idk........Im not asking why Im just smiling because I can't wait to buy another computer a little bit longer

6:32 PM  
Blogger Peach said...

can wait I mean can can can wait :P

6:33 PM  

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