Sunday, April 16, 2006

A Breath of Fresh Air!

I just finished my assignment for the week with IWA. My brain hurts!!! They did end up giving us an extension because of today being a holiday, but all that did in my mind was make the next assignment due all that much sooner if I took advantage of the extension. So today after getting home from a busy busy Easter and then spending quite some time catching up with Dennis I dove into my assignment. Ill admit Im really piece mealing my html would have been so much better to have taken that class before taking the Design Elements class....but hindsight is well hindsight in this I plundered ahead. I am liking my new look and I have kind of decided what it is I want to impart on this 'project'. The design is called 'Dare to Dream'. Im using it to launch a hopeful portofolio of my work ahead and to give a short testimony at the same time. A testimony of when your life seems to fall apart God can use it as a spring board to launch you onto a completely new path in life.........dare to dream and see what comes from it. Of course being who I am I could see so many other things coming from this but for now.....IM KEEPING it simple... :P.

So tonight after I posted up my assignment on the board I decided ok lets see whats due this week. Both my photography class and the IWA have already loaded up the upcoming weeks work....Ill admit I was scared to look at it. I can breathe easy. Not only do I not have to make any changes to my working 'comp' I have a easier assignment in photography. I do have to write up summary essays for two websites (Ashley will be pleased to hear that :P) but that doesn't really scare me. Anyway, with the kids leaving and gone Thurs through Sat...I have ample time to get it all done......and have time to breathe and relax this week. The question I am pondering though is should I delay taking the html class or could I really handle another class ontop of the others for like 2 weeks while both are still ongoing.,......arrrgh I don't know --I just don't know!


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