Seriously exhausted, seriously excited!
Its funny how can you feel both at the same time? Today I finished my second assignment of the week. Yes I know its WEDNESDAY ....Im done early! Im exhausted in so many ways though. I know
I really need to see a nutrionist. Im feeling very drained and decided to be smart and not hit the gym. Yesterdays workout and then tennis put me a little over the edge. I had dinner (early yes) with a friend tonight. She and I got to talking about whole foods and how to eat better. Im actually moving that way up to the top of my list of prioirities. I should see, actually there are more reasons now but I need to see a doctor soon. I fear Ill pu
t that off longer if I dont write it down. I just dont want more tests ran and more questions left unanswered. So that leaves me.....well EXHAUSTED. I had a very successfully fun day at taking pictures....and thats what I just finished posting up on my photo class's website. I have a couple shots posted here, but a bunch were added to my Flickr account...check them out :)
I think it helped getting my IWA assignment done early in the week. The articles I had to read really helped me in creativity. I read one article that talked about detaching yourself to become more artistic. I tried some of the ideas and it helped me think a little outside of the box. Im excited about doing more of that ahead.
Anyway, Im tired.......and looking forward to the next 3 days the kids will be gone to rest and not HAVE to do anything...oh yeah except Grade Papers! Conferences are Monday ...... arrrgh
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