Sunday, June 03, 2007

Don't Write me off

I watched the movie "Music & Lyrics" again for the 2nd time this month. Its fast becoming one of those favorite "feel good" movies I just adore to pop in. Today was a day I could relax but it was difficult. The kids were with their father, I had done all the cleaning I could do (or honestly, wanted to do) and in order to put aside concerns I have right now I needed a feel good movie. I was actually intending to watch a movie I went out and purchased today --Painted Veil, but as I popped that one in the preview for Music & Lyrics came up and I knew I needed that one instead. There is something every so relaxing about movies like this one, You Got Mail, Must love dogs, etc. Something about the normality of the characters. Something about the fact you feel like you could be the person in the movie itself. Today I got lost in the dream of the movie. The idea of sitting around for hours writing with a man you were falling in love with is so 'romantic' to me. Doing something you adore together, working together, learning about each other.........yep I know its called a romantic comedy for a reason. But the song at the end when Hugh Grant is singing "Don't write me off" yep I was crying.

Call me a hopeful die hard romantic, but one thing is for certain, my hope is always restored by watching a sappy feel good chick flick!

I liked this description:

"Sophie Fisher: A melody is like seeing someone for the first time. The physical attraction. Sex.
Alex Fletcher: I so get that.
Sophie Fisher: But then, as you get to know the person, that's the lyrics. Their story. Who they are underneath. It's the combination of the two that makes it magic. "


Blogger Lee Warren said...

I loved this movie too--for all the reasons you mention. I often have to drag my guy friends with me to go see movies like this. Thankfully, these types of movies usually contain humor and that satisfies my friends. I'm there to watch the process of two people falling for each other. Specifically, I like to see the moment that they realize they have something special.

7:27 AM  
Blogger Peach said...

Magical, thats how they seem to me. Not the mystical I don't get it kind of magic, but the kind that just lifts you off your feet. I do have to wonder though, if we can fool ourselves by watching this kind of movie too often. Can 'real' life ever match the image of the movie? Do we leave ourselves vulnerable over and over, for disappointment? Honestly I don't even know if I want to know the answer to that question :)

1:36 PM  
Blogger Lee Warren said...

I wondered the same thing in my singles book. I think watching too many of these types of movies increases our sense of longing for marriage. It's easy to idealize love when done in such a pretty package. But as packaged as it is, I still hold out hope that it can indeed look as magical in real life. I just need to make sure I don't watch too much of this stuff to tip the balance.

12:55 PM  
Blogger Peach said...

We mustn't ever give out on hope!

5:21 PM  

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