Heaven in a Bag of Cookies!
I'll admit it seemed like a good idea since I went looking for a new movie today...being that it is TUESDAY ...I really have been avoiding shopping on Tuesdays to cut way back on movie intake...purchasing that is. Ive been good too, no movies acquired last week, and the week before only 1. But today, bows her head in shame....4! Arrrgh. My average I suppose is getting better.
I suppose movies take away the need to sit and think about my 'love' life or what has or is becoming of it. (why I ask then are 3 of the 4 romantic/comedy drama type movies?) I could say soo much on this and maybe I will in the near future just to look back one day and laugh at myself. But right now I feel like God is dangling the 'perfect' man in front of me, the question I have is it to tease me or is it to show me that this is what I could have one day if I Hurry up and Wait Jenice...I know I know I know!
hmm do you think there is something wrong with the fact I have to take tylenol before I can get out and play tennis today??????? Grrr Terrance, that added weight I am feeling BIG time today and walking as if I just got off a horse! there are much funner ways in life to have this feelin.....ah well Wait Jenice WAIT!
Wait! :)
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